Tuesday, January 31, 2017

When A Snow Day Happens

It snowed here on Sunday night. The snow coming down was so beautiful. I couldn't help but hope and pray that my older two would get a snow day. My oldest who is in Kindergarten, definitely needed a snow day. I think my oldest has been tired and a nice little break from school would help him a lot. 

We got the call around 8 p.m. Sunday night that there was indeed a snow day for yesterday. We all expressed our excitement before bed and I began to plan what we would do as far as activities go.

When you get an unexpected snow day, having activities planned will help you get through the snow day so nobody gets cabin fever. Our boys definitely seem to act a little more wild on snow days, partly because a snow day means no routine, and another part is because it is a snow day. They were definitely more wild yesterday than they are when they are home on a weekend.

I planned out some fun things to do for the boys. One of the things I planned was for them to paint their own snowy scene. While we got enough snow to close schools in our area, it wasn't quite enough for them to play in. I thought I would bring the fun of the snow indoors.

They had a blast painting their own snowy scene. We talked about the color of snow, the temperature of snow, and what season it snows in. Not only was it an art activity, but I turned it into a learning activity for my two year old, four year old, and six year old.

Another activity I loved on snow days when I was growing up, was having a movie day with popcorn. We had a movie afternoon with popcorn. The main activity I planned was relaxing and catching up on rest.

I was very thankful for the snow day yesterday and we are ready to tackle what the week may bring. Getting an extra day to rest over a weekend really is a great blessing! God knew our two kids who are in school needed an extra day to their weekend

If you find yourself needing ideas for a snow day, Pinterest  has a lot of ideas for kids of all ages. Or you could just use the day to rest like we did.


  1. We LOVE taking the day to relax and do special activities. One really fun and easy thing to do with the kids (or without them and let them eat it after) is making Oreo Truffles. It's a huge hit with my little ones. Also, on Pinterest Honey Caramel Corn... Holy moly that's delicious!

  2. What a fun snow day activity! I'm hoping it snows here soon.

  3. I can imagine the wildness and excitement that a snow day causes in children. It's nice that you were able to find out the night before so that you had time to plan activities. Snow painting and then having a nice relaxing afternoon with movies and popcorn sounds like a great way to spend an extra day off.

  4. Oh thats so great- sometimes its really crucial to just have a relaxing day at home.

  5. oh wow it looks and sounds as if you have really made use of a snow day and I too love keeping warm indoors and doing snow crafts although theres nothing more fun then making snow angels followed by hot chocolate and a roaring open fire

  6. I would love a snow day. Getting snowed in and staying all warm and cozy sounds amazing x

  7. It is great that you had a lovely snow day making crafts and hanging out as a family . I think that is really lovely xx

  8. I would love a snow day. So far we have not seen snow here at all. We pretty much summer and spring which is odd. Maybe next month snow will come visit us lol.

  9. I really dislike snow as an adult but oh boy when it snowed when I was younger, it was the biggest treat ever. I love that you did some lovely indoorsy things, the pictures look great too! x

  10. So sweet of you to think about your kids needing a break. But then I guess that's something that comes naturally to people we love :) So sweet that you all took advantage of snow day to bond and have some fun. Nice to see it :)


  11. I love painting! It looks like you guys really made the most of your snow day, what fun! There really are so many great activities that you can do on a snow day. Great post, thank you for sharing your day with us, I enjoyed reading about it :)

  12. im actually realy dissapointed that we havent had any snow yet , i always hope for it at christmas and this year we seem to be left with none even now , this looks a great idea for a snow activity x

  13. I used to love snow days when I was a kid but as an adult they're a pain in the arse x

  14. I used to absolutely love snow days as a kid - wish I could still have them as an adult! x

  15. I love the idea of Movie day with popcorn - in fact, we try to recreate this ourselves on a Saturday night! Works a treat!

  16. I love snow days! We always craft and bake. We are long overdue one. x

  17. What a fun way to spend an unexpected day off! :)

  18. i love snow days, spending time with family whether its out in the snow throwing snowballs or inside watching a film

  19. I would love a snow day. Not had one this winter.

  20. We never really get much snow here at all so I would LOVE a snow day!!!

  21. I love movie days with homemade popcorn although I love to go out in the snow too!

  22. What a relaxing snow day, it feels like ages since it's snowed here!

  23. This is so sweet :)
    I'm honestly a bit fed up with the snow over here and am hoping it will melt soon.

  24. I am so jealous of snow days people are having and would love to have one myself here lol.

    Cool activities you guys did.

  25. My kids are so desperate for a snow day but it is looking unlikely for us this year. We've even bought new wellies just in case it happens though!

  26. I'd always opt for a movie day as that seems the easiest!

  27. In India there is no snow. But I love snow... I loced reading it too.


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