Thursday, February 18, 2016

Deep Couch Sitting

If I had to guess a number of how many times I get up from my couch, I would guess at least 25 times a day. As a mom to four boys, there is no time to get all comfy on the couch. Deep couch sitting doesn't exist in our house.
I am constantly getting up to:
- referee a fight over who had a toy first
- get a snack for all the boys
- change a diaper
- stop Liam and sometimes Landon from climbing on something
- switch the laundry from the washer to the dryer (when I remember(
- clean up a mess

Really, that list could go on for a while. If you are like me and you are on the go with your kids, then you don't get much deep couch sitting either. Sister, you aren't alone. If you are also like me, the moments that you do get deep couch sitting you soak it up. Right now, I am soaking up some much needed deep couch sitting while Logan, Liam, and Lucas nap. It feels good to sit here and relax and just have a moment of peace. This peaceful moment washes away all the crazy moments of the day. 

I am thankful for this moment of deep couch sitting. If you get a moment like this today, soak it up and be thankful for it. God knew you would need a moment of peace. Let the peace wash over whatever your worries are.

Commercial that inspired today's post:

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