Thursday, February 13, 2014

Listening Intently

I have not written in a few days. It is mainly because the boys are keeping me quite busy. Landon has become really good at walking so he is everywhere. Logan has been out of school because of snow for TWO weeks! Over these past two weeks we've enjoyed our time together. Logan has said a lot of things that just make me laugh. He is a great talker but I cannot take credit. A lot of the credit goes to something here in Kentucky called First Steps which is an early intervention program for kids with developmental delays. Logan had a developmental delay for speech and we had him work with a speech therapist. He is continuing with a speech therapist at pre-school. Between First Steps and the therapy at pre-school he has come a long way in the language department. Some days that is a great thing and some days he is never quiet! Haha!

Things Logan have said recently:
We have a grocery store in town called Ralph's. When our snow melted at one point before coming back Logan said, "We need to get more snow from Ralph's."

Logan likes to watch Barney and recently while watching the end with the 'I Love You' song he came up and said, "Hold my hand, Ma. Give me a hug. Give me a kiss."

When we tell Landon no, Logan likes to try to act like us so he will repeat, "Landon Donald, no, no!"

My favorite is: Logan knows his prayer really well and he will now pray, "God is great, God is good, and I thank Him for..."

I have tried to write/log some things he has said recently. That exercise in logging what Logan says reminded me how I need to listen to my kids. I need to stop what I am doing and really pay attention to them and LISTEN. This time with them being this young and carefree is so short. I cannot let it pass me by. The same goes for our walk with God/our faith. Our time on this earth is so short and God wants us to listen to Him and what His plan is for our lives on this earth. Sometimes we get so busy with our lives that we don't stop to LISTEN to God. Just like a child talking to his/her parents, God is talking to us. We are on this earth only once, just like our kids are only little once. What is God trying to tell you? Are you listening?

I believe God is trying to tell me to slow down, worry less, serve others, and love others more. I admit, sometimes I don't always listen and I can tell as well as others through my attitude. When I listen, my attitude is so much better than when I don't listen. Same goes with my kids, when I stop, slow down, and listen to my kids my attitude is much better than if I am too busy to listen to them.

God is never too busy to listen to us. He is always there for us to talk to and fall on for help, strength, and grace.

" My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." -James 1:19

"He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” -Luke 11:28

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