Saturday, December 21, 2013

Checking In

It is now Saturday. Landon has had his BAHA for three days. In the few short days we have noticed that he can hear better. When we call his name, he responds quicker. He is a little sensitive to sounds such as clapping. The first time I clapped (I was clapping to get Logan's attention), Landon cried. He had never cried before when I would clap. Landon is more intrigued with every noise in the house. Landon is also moving quicker through the house to follow Logan or myself. Rob and I can see he is a little more confident in how he handles himself than what he was before he got his BAHA.

Everyone keeps asking how Landon is doing with his BAHA. The answer is: he is doing great! He is leaving it alone! He knows it helps him hear better. In fact, the second night that he had it we took it off for bed time and he reached out for it. He already knows it is apart of him. Logan has been awesome about Landon's BAHA. Logan is very accepting of Landon's BAHA. Logan put on a pair of his sunglasses and said he had a BAHA like Landon. I am very proud of Logan and his sweet and caring personality for his brother.

This week is going to be busy and fun with Christmas activities and time with family so I thought I would update how Landon has been doing with his BAHA. If I don't write before Christmas I hope my readers have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Landon loves his BAHA!
Logan at his class Christmas party!

Logan and Landon with their BAHA's.

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