Friday, November 1, 2013

First Steps, First Halloween, First of November

There are a lot of firsts involved in this post. One of them being it is the First of November! I love November and December because of the holiday season and the time to spend with family and friends.
This past week I called First Steps (Kentucky's Early Intervention Services) for Landon. Somebody came out yesterday to do an Ages and Stages Questionnaire on Landon as well as some other paper work. Because of his Microtia he is an established (I think that is the word he used) risk because he has a disability meaning Landon will automatically qualify for services. However, I got a call today from First Steps and just based on the questionnaire, Landon does qualify. Dr. Choo in Cincinnati said that Landon will need speech therapy due to not being able to hear very well in his right ear. I made the decision to go on ahead and get a jump start on it. It is the first step to getting him on the right track to succeed.
I called to schedule Landon's first audiologist appointment in Cincinnati. He will be fitted for the BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) softband which is a headband. We go to November 20. I am very excited because he will hopefully be able to hear out of his right ear which will be awesome for both him and us as well. 
Also, yesterday was Landon's first Halloween and Logan's fourth Halloween. We went to our church's trunk or treat last night. Landon was a giraffe and Logan was Mike the Knight. We had a blast. We now have a ton of candy and will be on sugar highs until the New Year. We really enjoyed the evening yesterday as a family. Pictures from last night are below.
Today is November 1st. On Facebook people do 30 days of being thankful. November should not be the only month that we are thankful for things. We should be thankful everyday and share them everyday, not just in November. Since today is November 1 it is Day 1. So Day 1: I am thankful for my kids. No matter what, they bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart. Feel free to comment with what you are thankful for. 

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